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One day training on Tobacco Control and Taxation.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Tobacco taxation.

On behalf of the Uganda Tobacco Tax Coalition (UTTC), we held a one-day training today on Tobacco Control and Tobacco Taxation in Kampala. 


The training covered critical topics, including tobacco control policies, the role of taxation in reducing tobacco use, and advocacy strategies for promoting stronger tobacco tax reforms in Uganda. This session provided participants with a platform to learn and collaborate, helping to strengthen tobacco control efforts in the country.


Mable Kukunda from Uganda National Health Consumers' Organisation and Ezekiel Musaasizi from the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa shared with us presentations on the "Uganda Tobacco Tax Coalition" project and The Health, Social, Economic and Environmental impacts of tobacco and emerging tobacco products, respectively.


This was a good learning experience for us members of the Uganda Alcohol Policy Alliance. We are grateful for the learning experience made possible by the Uganda Tobacco Tax Coalition.

Event Pictures


3.0 The WHO FCTC (Framework Convention on Tobacco Control).
3.1 WHO-FCTC (Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) - summary.
Tobacco Taxation Presentation - 10th Sept 2024 - Mable Kukunda.
Overview of the WHO FCTC (Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) - Ezekiel Musasiizi
The Health, Social, Economic and Environmental impacts of tobacco and emerging tobacco products - Ezekiel Musasiizi.
Laws of Uganda (Acts) - THE TOBACCO CONTROL ACT, 2015
Tobacco Industry Interference in the implementation of the Tobacco Control Act of 2015 - Mable Kukunda