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Mobilising Partnerships and Community Action for a Society Free of Alcohol Harm.
UAPC20 welcomes submission of abstracts for presentations relevant to the conference topics and themes.
We strongly encourage abstracts from both researchers and practitioners. ‘Practitioners’ include any professional working in research translation, policy, advocacy and Treatment. The focus of the conference is alcohol policy; abstracts that describe findings from alcohol epidemiology are welcome provided they include discussion of clear implications for policy.
Priority will be given to presentations that offer critical or reflective comment rather than purely program or descriptive papers. Papers will be accepted and considered in two domains: Research: Clear design, presentation, analysis, outcomes Practice: Clear context, process, analysis, outcomes.
Presentation at UAPC2020 is not open to any person who has a conflict of interest due to financial relationships, direct or indirect, with the alcohol industry.
A diverse range of speakers will provide opportunities for discussion about their research and experience and how these can be applied to alcohol policy environments and reinvigorate efforts to reduce alcohol-related harm. A range of sub themes relating to alcohol use shall be explored including but not limited to the topics below:
Alcohol Laws and Policies: Implementation, Protection, Community Mobilization and Advocacy.
Building networks, coalitions and Community action for alcohol policy control
Alcohol and the Rights of Vulnerable Populations
Alcohol and Human Rights (Women, children, refugees...
Alcohol, Health, and Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders
Alcohol Harm: propagators, victims and solutions
Economic and social costs of alcohol – to individuals, families, communities and the society
Changing social norms
All presenters are encouraged to consider the learning outcomes for the audience when preparing your presentation. What are the take away messages that you can provide the audience, how can you improve their knowledge and skills?
Oral presentations: Presenters will have 10 minutes for presentation. Each presentation will be followed by up to 5 minutes for question and answers. Some presentations shall be online.
Deadline: The deadline for abstract submission is 30th November 2020.
All intended presentations require the submission of an abstract. All abstracts will be subject to peer review. Refer to the online abstract submission form or manual abstract submission form for requirements.
The abstract title should be no longer than 12 words.
The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words in simple text paragraphs without images or tables.
For each abstract submission, authors must identify as either a researcher or practitioner and select at least one topic.
If there is more than one presenter, all correspondence will be sent to the person whose name and email address is entered with the abstract. Only one abstract may be submitted per presenting author. All abstracts must be in original work and submitted in English.
All presenters must register at the time of confirming their acceptance to present offer and pay the conference registration fee.
Abstracts are to be submitted electronically using the online facility on the UAPC2020 website.
Select the Abstract Submission tab and follow the prompts.
Abstracts submitted for presentation will be published exactly as received and should be checked for spelling and grammar prior to submission. Do not submit a version with ‘track changes’ active.
It is the submitting author’s responsibility to ensure that the abstract uploaded to the server is the correct version.
All presenters must register once they have confirmed their acceptance of the presentation. There is no fee for registration. For more information contact conference organizers on
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